MLK Parc à Paris

Last month I got an invite from Bertrand Delanoë, the mayor of Paris, to a dedication ceremony for Martin Luther King Parc. (I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life going to Notorious premieres.) I couldn’t make it for whatever reason, but I promise to hit it up next weekend and take a flick for you furthermuckers. Clarence B. Jones was on hand for the park inauguration; he’s a former lawyer of MLK and cowriter of the “I Have a Dream” speech. The park, if you’re in Paris, is around170 rue Cardinet, in the 17th arrondissement. I live in the neighborhood of a Collège Rosa Parks, a junior high school named after the civil rights icon, and I’ve walked past the Place Joséphine Baker in Montparnasse. Have black Americans made a bigger stamp on Paris than the black folks who live here?



Miles Marshall Lewis